Day 3: Pyramids
...and what a day it was! While it is our third day together as a group, it was a our first active day in the land of Egypt. We touredthe pyramids at Saqqara, Giza, and the capital ruins of Memphis. It'san amazing thing to see these sights first hand - places and picturesI learned about in elementary school, seen in National Geographic, and watched documentaries on from time to time. To be standing in front ofsuch structures is to witness history, culture, life and death.
Today also happens to be my birthday, and one naturally thinks about the gift on life on such a day. But standing in front of these massive structures of style, technique, and craftmenship - it made methink about life, and death. To imagine a people so (assumedly) committed to their king, that they spent hours upon hours and years upon years building such masterpieces for their leaders' burial grounds is a mind-blowing thought. Indeed, their death and their life-after mattered just as much, if not more, than their life on earth. What a concept, what a thought. Maybe familiar.
Taryn Mongtomery
(Stina House on a camel at Giza)
1 comment:
Sounds like a lovely birthday, Taryn! Thinking and praying for you and the group!
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